Thursday, March 4, 2010


Life is complicated for SC's Republican consultant/bloggers.

Boy Fogle slags on Teabaggers when they are bashing Senator Lindsey Graham, but cheers them on when they go after Congressman J. Gresham Barrett (R-Running for Governor) for voting for the stimulus bill.

So now an advocacy group is targeting Barrett for bringing home more stimulus pork than any other of the SC GOP congressmen who voted against it and then bellied up to the trough to get some.

Senator Graham is standing up for Barrett.

So is Senator DeMint:

South Carolina's two U.S. senators say a Washington advocacy group's ads about U.S. Rep. Gresham Barrett and the federal stimulus package are off base.

Republican U.S. Sens. Lindsey Graham and Jim DeMint said Thursday the ads unfairly characterize Barrett as a champion of President Barack Obama's stimulus spending.
The Americans for Job Security radio and television ads began running statewide since Monday and are to run two weeks.
The ads could be significant as Barrett seeks the Republican nomination for governor in a crowded field.
Stephen DeMaura is president of the Washington group and says Barrett is being singled out because he's brought more stimulus money to the state than other South Carolina congressmen.

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