Wednesday, March 3, 2010

We forget: how many wars have been started since January 21, 2009? Like, none?

"Christianist" hate blogger Sunlit Uplands is all over news of the retirement of Congressman Eric Massa:
The party of sodomy, socialism, abortion and war now has 15 Congressmen who have announced they will leave voluntarily, before "we the people" impose term limits.
Of course, as Waldo documented recently, Savonarola's Anti-Sodomy Party is leading the perv practitioner list by a way long shot. So much so that CPAChyderms are fretting over infiltration of the Purity Party by conservative 'mos.

That's the part that drives Savvy nuts. There are "sodomites" who revere the same things he does. Not just politically, like, here, here and here. There's enthusiasts for English royalty, cathedral choir boy performances, a pope who unites a 16th century mindset with a 16th century name...not to mention those cute Gucci pumps and his hunky personal assistant.

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