Thursday, August 5, 2010

Interesting idea, wrong advocates

What's the diff between Supreme Court nominees of Bill Clinton (Georgetown, Oxford, Yale) and George W. Bush (Harvard, Yale)? John McCain's up for re-election, and Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III will never get over  the Senate rejecting him for being a racist when even his colleagues said he was a racist:
To many, Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan’s degree from Harvard Law School and her subsequent service as the school’s dean might be seen as a boon for her candidacy for the high court, proof of an Ivy League-caliber intellect that qualifies her to join the nation’s most elite group of legal thinkers. 
But Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said Wednesday that he’s had his fill of Supreme Court hopefuls who hail from the esteemed university by the Charles. 
“Do you ever think the day will come when we have a nominee for the United States Supreme Court that didn’t go to Harvard Law School? That might be healthy for America,” McCain said on the Senate floor during the second day of debate on Kagan’s nomination. 
“I think it might,” Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) replied. The ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, also in the chamber, said he wasn’t “so worried about where [nominees] come from,” but went on to suggest New York City might be overrepresented as well. 
“When you have five people on the Supreme Court ... all from one of the boroughs of New York and most of them from Harvard and Yale, [that] does raise questions,” Sessions said. Indeed, three of the past five justices to join the court attended Harvard. Two attended Yale. 
“Maybe somebody from Arizona could handle that job,” Sessions quipped. 
“Or perhaps Alabama,” countered McCain, who said he would oppose Kagan because of restrictions imposed on military recruiters while she was the law school dean in Cambridge. 
Alabama's done pretty well, as it turns out:

  1. John McKinley....................1838-1852........Van Buren
  2. John Archibald Campbell......1853-1861........Pierce
  3. William Burnham Woods......1881-1887........Hayes
  4. Hugo Black........................1937-1971........FD Roosevelt

So has Arizona, not yet a state a century:

Sandra Day O'Connor.................1981-2006.........Reagan

Trouble is, the last few haven't done what they were told, and that makes them bad.


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