Monday, September 13, 2010

He had some side-splitting jokes about wops and chinks and Jews and nigras, too

ROME, GA (NBC) - About 50 people attended the funeral for Don Unsworth, a northwest Georgia businessman, father, grandfather and husband. 
Described by family as lively, humorous and politically conservative, Mr. Unsworth's newspaper obituary reflected all those qualities with the following request: 
"In lieu of flowers the family respectfully asks that donations be sent to the American Cancer Society, or to the campaign of anybody who is running against President Barack Obama in 2012." 
"He was not really a big Obama fan," said his daughter Donna Barnes. 
Barnes says the US Air Force veteran disliked the costly stimulus and worried about unemployment. The obituary, and the donations, were Unsworth's family's idea. 
"We just felt like it was the best tribute we could give to him," said Barnes. 
"It was more like comic relief. It was his last shot," said granddaughter MaKaylie Morris. 
"He had a great sense of humor," said Barnes.
But the family can't say whether the call for campaign donations in lieu of flowers was immediately fruitful. 
"No one has told us anything," said Morris of mourners. "People have been laughing about the obituary more than anything else." 

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