This is a sad business. A fourth young man has sued megachurch Atlanta preacher Eddie Long for sexual abuse. It reeks of the George Rekers scandal- grooming boys and dazzling them with wealth, power, gifts and overseas travel.
It's hard to think of a case against a right-wing, homo-hater like Long that, in the end, didn't turn out to be true. It'd be a good thing if this one did. Long has done much for his community and the nation.
These guys always seem to land on their feet, though. Ted Haggard, who admitted having a drug-fueled affair with a male escort, is back on TV now, explaining how everybody has a personal issue they have to deal with and he's forgiven himself. His wife continues to rake in profits from her book about how she stuck by his humiliation of her and her children.
Long's church hosted the funeral of gay-rights advocate Coretta Scott King. He must have had a conflicted day that day.
It's sad to see spiritual leaders with such obvious gifts of inspiration and religious insight denouncing what they themselves seem to be. And making money off it.
Eddie Long drives a Bentley.
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