Monday, January 31, 2011

They hate culture, they hate education, they want to keep their constituents poor and dumb

State or federal, one thing you can count on is that when buzillions of dollars in shortfalls need to be closed, the Columbia crowd will go for the tiny and the stupid-making. If I'm a Boeing engineer or high level administrator who's used to the wealth of culture in Puget Sound, coming to a state where public education and public broadcasting are nothing but targets for a collection of pharmacists and men who obsess about regulating women's rights is hardly an incentive to move here. There just aren't enough golf courses possible to offset a leadership class intent on being dumb, and keeping the populace dumb.

I've been critical of SCETV but for this year in, year out Republican hostility to arts and culture and basic public TV and radio is just about the most dumbass economic development measure imaginable.

Unless you are stuck, as SC leadership seems to be, in the 1950s economic model of free land, tax abatements for decades, and the promise of an ill-educated work force happy to get below standard wage pay to bolt stuff together is a guarantee that all you're gonna attract is back office operations like a Google server farm, a Starbucks coffee grinding plant, or an Amazon box and ship factory.

It's enough to make your head want to explode how dim these people are-
In her State of the State address on Jan. 19, Haley suggested slashing all the $9.6 million in state funding for ETV and cutting out the entire $2 million budget for the Arts Commission. (Irony alert: Haley’s speech was broadcast on ETV.)
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