Monday, January 31, 2011

Write your own headline

Not a lot of news these days, which is to say, there is tons of news but no one knows what to make of any of it.

All the news shows are full of Egypt video. Things may or may not be happening. There are big crowds. No one knows if looters are government agents. Richard Engel of NBC is the only talking head I pay any mind to, because he speaks fluent Arabic. The rest are meat puppets on balconies of hotels, peering down into the streets.

Back in the insurgence against the Iraq War in '04, all the talking heads were gassing on about the opinion in "the Arab Street."

Now it's "the Cairo Street."

One thing you can count on is if you have tens of millions of unemployed young men and piss them off badly enough- lotsa bad PR. Tourists are converging on Rick's Cafe to try and buy the last letters of transit.

Still just a bunch of unemployed men who dance up and down like The Village People and know if they make a protest placard in English they'll get on TV.

In other news:

I made it to 9:30 last night for the Screen Actors Guild Awards. The lifetime achievement award to Ernest Borgnine did me in. The man has either done 164 bad movies and had nine wives or made nine movies and had 164 wives. I forget, I was dozing off. At 94 he seemed  very spry and to have given up that bilious, bug-eyed persona he tortured the media-going public with for so many decades.Like in "Fight of the Condor" where you just counted the minutes till he went bazooka and ran off into the desert to die.

Betty White, at 89, is way funnier. She can caress an awards statue like nobody.

Oh, there's more bad weather. It will afflict some places but not others. The networks have a new meme: "It may affect one hundred million people!"

Odd crawler headline of the day: MSNBC says a member of New Kids on the Block has come out, but not which one. Now there's a headline for ya. Were they one of those boy bands of the '80s or the Canadian sketch comedy group? If you can't remember, it tells you why no one cared what the guy's name is. It's over.

OK, I cheated. It's Jonathan Knight. The report has lots of exclamation points.

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