Thursday, February 3, 2011

It's stick in the swill bucket time again

It's rattle the tin cup time again at SC ETV Radio, when they reveal they have no shame when it comes to raising money from their surprisingly small contributor base.

They are highlighting their neediness by begging listeners to "Show Your Love" for what's arguably the worst public radio network in the world. There's a term for trading money for love, too, only ETV Radio just gives you a mug.

For $120 they will give you two tickets to Michael Feldman's "What Do You Know?" program, which is about to do a live show in Spartanburg.

The program runs two hours. ETV Radio only broadcasts one hour of the program on Saturdays.

ETV Radio is also promoting an appearance by Feldman on "You Day", the four days a week Clemson self-appreciation hour.

So they are raising money off- and taking credit for- the excellence of a program they won't let listeners hear in full.

They do the same thing with the word game program, "Says You." That show has broadcast from Charleston more than once, and was flogged for months in advance as a fundraiser for SC ETV Radio.

It runs an hour, but on Fridays you only get 30 minutes' worth from ETV Radio.

You gotta wonder why they promote programs they run to raise money, but then give listeners only half of the programs they are told they are paying for.

I've argued that ETV ought to be privatized- turned over to, for example, a university, or spun off as a nonprofit organization. It's a model that works well in lots of other states. North Carolina, for one.

Lots of states have multiple NPR radio affiliates, too.In Washington, you have a choice of three.

Given that the state's solution for ETV Radio is to kill it off, why not encourage other institutions to start their own NPR affiliates? Furman University would be an ideal home in the Upstate, which ETV Radio treats as nonexistent. Maybe the Governor's School.

Or we could just give up and let Davidson College in North Carolina take over ETV Radio's transmitters. They already run most of ETV Radio's local classical programming.

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