Friday, February 25, 2011

Notes from the piranha tank: the delay in candidates announcing for president must be driving the consultant/blogger class to tuna sandwiches at home.

Will Folks and Charlie Spieght participate in an activity of gentlemanly measurement
People that harp on about political purity end up finding themselves in an ever-dwindling group of people. Hard-line orthodoxy demands that any slight imperfection is a heinous offense. So, Will Folks of FITSNews and Charlie Speight of The Garnet Spy Started down a path of attacking each other, with Speight saying that Folks was full of it and being paid by anti-Haley people to attack her and defame her. Folks retaliated with multiple posts and threatened legal action, accusing Speight of defamation, himself. Boys with Internet toys, eh?

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