Thursday, February 24, 2011

Red alert: straight men are leaving their unmarried partners and moving to six states to boinga boinga pool boys and lawn trimmers

One of the Genital Opposition Party's potential sumo candidates, Mike Huckabee, says marriage equality- which wasn't on the radar until the late 1990s, is responsible for straight guys getting women pregnant and then abandoning them:

"I'm deeply disappointed," Huckabee said. "They are clearly out of sync with the public." Huckabee noted that 33 states have affirmed, via ballot initiatives, that marriage should be between a man and a woman. "When the voters are so overwhelmingly [supportive of DOMA] what does the president believe he knows that citizens in all these other states don't," Huckabee said. Huckabee opposes gay marriage on the grounds that, according to him, it destroys traditional families. "There is a quantified impact of broken families," Huckabee said. "[There is a] $300 billion dad deficit in America every year...that's the amount of money that we spend as taxpayers to pick up the pieces because dads are derelict in their duties."
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