Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Somewhere, Lucrezia Borgia is laughing her ass off

As the Vatican hides Cardinal Law from almost-certain indictment, they are getting all fussy about American politicians again:

Edward N. Peters, the consultant, who is also a professor at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, stated in no uncertain terms that Andrew Cuomo, the governor of New York, should be shown no mercy. His offense? Seems that the governor has been shacking up—not with underage boys, mind you, but with his longtime partner, Sandra Lee. And as if that weren’t bad enough, Cuomo also supports same-sex marriage and believes that abortion is a private matter that shouldn’t be regulated by the state. 
Cuomo, according to Peters, should not receive communion: “if he approaches for Holy Communion, he should be denied the august sacrament.” In fact, Peters says, the governor’s “taking Holy Communion is objectively sacrilegious and produces grave scandal within the faith community.”
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