Friday, October 19, 2012

DeMint's out of the closet for gay rights. As. If.

Advocates for equality- in any form- spend their lives on a roller-coaster. You get a big victory one day; somebody undercuts or offsets it the next.

BuzzFeed has some interesting maps about what the US would be like under true equality for its citizens:

Here's where things start: Just more than 10 percent of the country lives in a state where same-sex couples can marry. 

But, voters in Maine, Maryland and Washington will vote on marriage in November. And, the Supreme Court could decide to let a lower court ruling stand finding California's Proposition 8 unconstitutional.

If all 4 of those states get marriage equality, more than a quarter of the country would live in a place where same-sex couples can marry.

Adding in states with significant, but non-marital, recognition for same-sex couples, nearly 4 in 10 Americans would live in a place where same-sex couples would have their relationship recognized.

But, despite those possibilities, marriage equality supporters have a roadblock: More than 6 in 10 Americans today live in a state with a constitutional ban on same-sex marriages. (And Minnesotans will be voting on an amendment in November.)

So that's one up-up-and-down on the equality roller coaster. But the trend is unmistakable.

Here's another measure, and one that may surprise.

The Human Rights Campaign, an education and lobbying group that's part of the Pervasive Homosexualist Conspiracy In America, rates members of Congress on their amenability to the Pervasive Homosexualist Agenda in America.

Their new ratings are out for the 112th Congress, which, although it's only October, is pretty much done for the year.

South Carolina's House members do their duty for God, Country and South Carolina, session in and session out:

Congressman Tim Scott, Mick Mulvaney, Trey Goudy and Jeff Duncan all got 0s. Congressman Joe Wilson, who isn't a newbie like the others, got a 0 to add to his 0 for the 111 and 110th Congresses.

Congressman James Cyyburn got a perfect 100% rating, up from 97% in the 11th and 95% in the 110th. So you see, even liberal pinko Communist members of Congress have the capacity for growth and evolution in their wrongheaded, Godless views about America.

It takes 218 votes to pass an equality bill in Congress.  219 House members have perfect 0 HRC scores.

But what's striking is in South Carolina's Senate due, Jim DeMint and Lindsey Graham.

Graham, who may be getting primary challenge from the rightiest right-wingers in Club For Growth cadres and cells around the state, scored 0 in the 100th Congress, 13% in the 11th, and 15% in the present Congress.

You can see why real conservatives want to just Citizens United Graham right out of office.

But what to make of Jim DeMint?

110th Congress: 0%

111th Congress: 0%

112th Congress: 40%

That's right: 


You can see it yourself. Just click here.

Who knew?

What an old softie. There's hope for all.

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