Sunday, October 14, 2012

Or could you use it to claim China's a bad actor? So many choices...


The two presidential campaigns are still arguing about when Mitt Romney left Bain Capital, but from a political perspective the date really doesn't matter, because Bain never left Mitt Romney. The company's business practices, before and after his departure, will trail him wherever he goes, and now they have turned up in the northern Illinois city of Freeport. 

There's a plant in Freeport that makes sensors and controls for cars and airplanes. It's owned by Sensata Technologies, a company that Bain bought in 2006, somewhere between four and seven years after Mr. Romney left the company. Last year, Sensata announced that it was moving the plant to China at the end of 2012 and laying off all 170 workers, and now those workers are asking Mr. Romney to intervene with his colleagues to save their jobs.

"If he wanted to, all he needs to do is call up the management of Bain Capital and say, 'Look, don't do this,' " one worker, Tom Gaulrapp, told Reuters.

Will he? Or will he make more letting the jobs leave? Click here.

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