Tuesday, October 16, 2012

"...and I not only want men to get me pregnant, I want them to tell me what to do when I do."

Continuing backwards, the Republicans have now reached 1919*:

Janis Lane: Teabagger Of The Year

"Our country might have been better off if it was still just men voting. There is nothing worse than a bunch of mean, hateful women. They are diabolical in how they can skewer a person. I do not see that in men. The whole time I worked, I'd much rather have a male boss than a female boss. Double-minded, you never can trust them. Because women have the right to vote, I am active, because I want to make sure there is some sanity for women in the political world. It is up to the Christian rednecks and patriots to stand up for our country. God bless America." - Janis Lane, president of the Mississippi Tea Party.

*Women got the vote in 1920.

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