Friday, October 19, 2012

The jihadi Republican's idea of heaven all white, all male, and plenty of servile women on demand

From the always-wide-ranging, Last Days, a debate item from Moderate Mitt's MA (as the Car Guys would say it):

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10 In much better news involving a woman fighting for the proper care and handling of other women, the week continues with Elizabeth Warren, the Massachusetts Democrat/Harvard law professor/White House adviser currently gunning for the US Senate seat held by Republican incumbent Scott Brown. During a debate tonight in Springfield, Warren took Brown to task for his anti-woman voting record, delivering an address so eloquent that Last Days must quote it almost in full. "I have no doubt Senator Brown is a good husband and a good father to his daughters, but... what matters here is how Senator Brown votes," said Warren. "So he's gone to Washington and he's had some good votes. But he's had exactly one chance to vote for equal pay for equal work, and he voted no. He had exactly one chance to vote for insurance coverage for birth control and other preventive services for women. He voted no. And he had exactly one chance to vote for a pro-choice woman—from Massachusetts—to the United States Supreme Court, and he voted no. Those are BAD votes for women. The women of Massachusetts need a senator they can count on not some of the time, but all of the time. I want to go to Washington to BE THERE for ALL of our daughters and ALL of our granddaughters. This one really matters. There is a LOT at stake here... And I want to be blunt. We should not be fighting about equal pay for equal work and access to birth control in 2012. These issues were resolved years ago, until the Republicans brought them back." 

Senator Brown does, in fact, think well of women. He shared all with them a couple of decades ago.

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