Saturday, March 9, 2013

Like the History Channel, only with no cheesy re-enactments.

It's been a banner week at Cotton Boll Conspiracy- for Waldo's money, the best SC blog. Just in this week we learned interesting and erudite things about the revival of Manx; the possibility of pig-footed bandicoot safaris; Gothic Revival churches in Charleston; and how the Confederacy issued bonds that were convertible, on redemption, into cotton.*

*That last one reminded me instantly of another wartime financial venture, M&M Enterprises. That conglomerate was profiled by Joseph Heller in Catch-22:

Minderbinder's business is incredibly profitable, with the single exception of his decision to buy all Egyptian cotton in existence, which he cannot unload afterwards (except to other entrepreneurs, who sell the cotton back to him because he simply ordered all Egyptian cotton) and tries to dispose of by coating it with chocolate and serving it in the mess hall. Later Yossarian gives Minderbinder the idea of selling the cotton to the government, since "the business of government is 'business'."

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