Sunday, March 31, 2013

The conservative crack-up continues apace

Eponymously named Republican Senator Jeff Flake is filled with despair:

Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) said Sunday that there will be a Republican nominee for president who supports gay marriage at some point in the future.
"I think that's inevitable," Flake said on NBC's "Meet the Press." "There will be one and I think he'll receive Republican support -- or she will. So I think that, ah --- yes, the answer is yes."
Flake said that he personally believes marriage is between and a woman and can't imagine changing that position.
Rush Limbaugh is being a whiny little girl:
Dr. Ben Carson said Friday that he may step down as commencement speaker at Johns Hopkins over anti-gay remarks, prompting conservative shock jock Rush Limbaugh to concede that the country is lost. 
Carson told MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell that he is prepared to acquiesce students who are circulating a petition to replace the emerging right-wing star, who compared same-sex marriage to pedophilia and bestiality during an appearance on Fox News, as the medical school's graduation speaker. After already waving the white flag on same-sex marriage, Limbaugh on Friday lamented the student-led movement against Carson. 
"These are students where this guy works, and they don't want him to be their commencement speaker because of his political beliefs as espoused on TV," Limbaugh said, according to an official show transcript. "Medical students! Not social workers, medical students. To me that's evidence that... I don't know what it is. We're losing the country or what have you."
He picked up the rant later.
"I still can't believe that the med students at Johns Hopkins said, "We don't want Ben Carson here."  You...? (interrupting) It's over same-sex marriage.  Of course.  I know he made a comment about same-sex marriage. Of course.  I forgot to throw that in," Limbaugh continued. "He spoke about same-sex marriage, and he offended them. They don't want him there.  They don't want him there.  Do you understand why I said this is inevitable now, folks?"
 It remains remarkable how the Teabag Constitution fetishists of the right claim they are devoted, to the death, to equality, yet contend in the next breath the country is "their" and is being "taken away" by others, who, by definition, are not equal, but lesser, beings.

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