Sunday, April 14, 2013

"Strom"ming my pain with his fingers...

The contretemps over Jay-Z’s rap about his Cuba trip might be a useful entry point to address Rand Paul’s curiosity as to why — whyyyy? — African-Americans do not vote for Republicans. The Drudge Report and the Republican National Committee have taken a deep interest in the matter, out of what is either a strange belief in the literal truth of rap lyrics or a persistent habit of linking President Obama to hip-hop culture in a way that might alienate mainstream white Americans.
Paul’s speech omitted his party’s long and continuing use of black culture as a political wedge. It likewise omitted any mention of the GOP’s conscious decision to make itself into the party of the white South. Instead Paul’s analysis centered almost entirely on economics, on which Paul offered his characteristically mindless combination of goldbuggery, market absolutism, and total inability to grasp the possibility of any government intervention in the market that falls short of socialism. (Democrats, he asserted, favor “equalizing outcomes through unlimited federal assistance.” Equalizing? Unlimited?)

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