Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Schrodinger's street festival: while Charlotte Pride put on the city's biggest parade ever, Deplorable Pride's Brian Talbert simultaneously put on its smallest.

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As Deplorable Pride dwindles away like an especially formless tropical storm, it's worth considering a new set of metrics on just how big a fail Brian Talbert's ego trip was.

Charlotte Pride has a press release out summing up last weekend's events:

Organizers estimate that approximately 150,000 visitors attended the two-day weekend event, which included a two-day festival in the PNC Bank Festival Zone with local and regional entertainment gracing the Wells Fargo Stage, as well as the Bank of America Charlotte Pride Parade on Sunday. The increase marks an approximate 15 percent increase over 2016, when 130,000 visitors attended the two-day event.

- Deplorable Pride attracted a dozen of the 150,000. That's 0.00008%.

Here they all are:

Back to Charlotte Pride's release:

Since 2015, the event has contributed more than $19 million in local economic impact from out-of-town visitors, including $11.5 million in direct visitor spending and $699,000 in county taxes raised by visitor spending, according to economic impact reports conducted by the Charlotte Regional Visitors Authority.

-Deplorable Pride contributed nothing. In fact, they cost the city money needing a police-supplied pen in which to stand and scream:

Charlotte Pride continues:

The annual festival and parade represent the single-largest fundraisers for Charlotte Pride each year. Funds raised by the events support a variety of year-round community programs, including Charlotte Latin Pride, Reel Out Charlotte (formerly known as the GayCharlotte Film Festival) and the organization’s new Charlotte Pride Scholarship for LGBTQ and straight ally high school and college students.

- Deplorable Pride's Brian Talbert set up a page in his own name for his anti-Pride campaign:

Then-by his own account- he pocketed the cash:

Some of it seems to have gone to print some swag he will also sell you:

I have update our gofundme page to address the issues for all the liberals who have donated one penny. Yet they are the only ones making accusations and demanding questions to be answered. Please check out our story part of the profile and let me know what you think. Please feel free to go to the gofundme page and leave your comments to show the liberals what you think I should use your money for. Thank you so much for this chance to say what was one my mind. Brian Talbert co-founder (GoFundMe Update 2, June 2017)...
He added, in his GoFundMe story:
I have been informed that I need to be more clear on who I am and what intentions for money are.    Seems the only ones who are not clear are the one not donating a dime.  Freedom loving Americans have full knowledge of what they are giving their money to. 
By contrast, Charlotte Pride publishes a full set of financial statements- audited- annually. 

Pride over, Talbert is still grubbing for cash at GoFundMe. People seem to have wised up, though: he hasn't raised a dime in two months.

But that's nothing: Brian Brown, head of the anti-gay National Organization for Marriage, is still rattling his stick in the swill bucket to rent buses for a DC rally in April, 2015.

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