Saturday, September 2, 2017

Friday at The White House: a who's who of American homophobes gathers to celebrate God's punishment of Houston for tolerating the gays. Oh, and Jared, too.

When the *resident signed his Proclamation of a National Day of Prayer Friday, he was playing to two different audiences.

He had a colloquy, and did a photo op, with Col. David Hudson of the Salvation Army; Gail McGovern of the American Red Cross; and David Ezell of Southern Baptist Disaster Relief for a more mainstream audience (though in a possible oversight, the American Red Cross does not hold and practice anti-LGBT animus as the other two organizations do, and as everyone and every group the *resident associates with does):

The *resident's Third Lady tottered in and said nothing. The Vice President kissed up.

Then a second group was assembled. They laid on hands and prayed for their continued access to secular power in the name of Jesus Christ, Republican.

No one was churlish enough to ask why Dr Robert Jeffress, the officiant and pastor of First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas, felt God's call to him to aid in the Hurrican Harvey relief efforts lay not in his home state, but at an Oval Office photo op.

The *resident carefully read a statement someone wrote for him and- a la his cabinet meetings, invited the smart ones to praise him:

Would somebody like to say a word or two to these very lovely people gathered before us?

PASTOR MULLINS:  Mr. President, we want to thank you for your leadership and for declaring this Day of Prayer that we desperately need in our nation.  

I was talking with some of the faith leaders on the ground in Houston today who are diligently working to not only rescue and help recover and restore these families.  And they commented on the great cooperation that they’re experiencing both from the local, state, and federal levels, and they wanted to send their heartfelt gratitude to you and to all of your team for the difference we’re making in these people’s lives.

So thank you for your leadership.  

THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you very much.  That’s very nice.

PASTOR MULLINS:  Thank you.  Thank you, Mr. President.

THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you.

MR. REED:  Mr. President, I think it goes without saying that in a moment like this, we all come together as Americans, we all bow to almighty God, we ask for his grace and his mercy over those who are affected.  And we thank you, the Vice President, and your entire team -- FEMA -- everything you’re doing to deploy every resource of government to help those who have been affected.

And most of all, Mr. President, we thank you for acknowledging that ultimately it is God who is the source of our unity as Americans, and I thank you for issuing this proclamation.

THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you.  

PARTICIPANT:  Mr. President, people of faith of all backgrounds know that prayer changes things.  And a great work is done by anyone who calls a nation to prayer.  If we want to give you thanks for calling us to prayer -- because no matter where we are, across whatever spectrum, we know that prayer changes things, and it unites a nation.

So thank you, sir, for uniting our nation and calling us to prayer.

PASTOR JACKSON:  I just wanted to add that, in our community, we have been praying. We started a 40-day fast for the healing of America and the solemn protection of God. There are some things that we have to make -- not diminishing your office -- but in appeals to a higher source.  We've got to look to heaven.  He will empower us, strengthen you, and give you wisdom.

THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you.  

Don't be shy.  Since when are you shy?

MR. BAUER:  (Laughter.)  I'm not shy, Mr. President.  Mr. President, this is a great moment.  The country has a lot of challenges; you know that as President.  To ask the country to turn back to God, to pray, is just an incredible thing for a President to do.  I guess George Washington was the first one to do it.  

A lot of Americans may have forgotten that the country was built on a moral idea.  The second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence -- I know you know it:  All men are created equal, endowed by their Creator -- that's God -- with certain unalienable rights, among these are right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  

That's what makes this a shining city that you're the honored President of, and reminding the American people that is amazing.

THE PRESIDENT:  Well, thank you very much.  I very much appreciate it.  Anybody else?  Anybody else?

MR. PAGE:  Well, thank you, Mr. President.

THE PRESIDENT:  From the beginning.  Go ahead.

MR. PAGE:  Yes, indeed.  Thank you so much for your personal gift to the victims and our Southern Baptists and evangelicals and people of all faiths and no faith are out there helping one another.  

And we appreciate your example in going tomorrow to show the presence -- something called ministry of presence.  Sometimes it just means something to be there for people, and I appreciate you already having been there and you're going again.  I just deeply appreciate that, and it shows a connection with the people that is so needed.  So I just personally want to say thank you.  On behalf of Southern Baptists and Americans, thank you, Mr. President.

PASTOR WHITE:  I just thank you, sir, for calling on our nation to God, and it's been an honor to not only know you for 16 years, but to serve with your faith leaders.  And you say that you always have put God first and you challenge us and continue to challenge us as you lead us.  We thank you for your personal works.  And this, I do believe, is a new beginning for us.

As we look forward, we are going to see great things come.  Thank you.

THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you.

Pastor Jeffress, a prayer?

PASTOR JEFFRESS:  Let's pray together, may we?

(A prayer is offered.)

THE PRESIDENT:  Beautiful.  Thank you.  Thank you very much.

Who were the lovely people? Members of the *resident's Evangelical Faith Advisory Commission, appointed during the 2016 campaign.

You can read about them here.

The White House makes it hard to find out who's at their Cattle Calls for God, but we tracked down a list:

Gary Bauer, President of American Values;
Tim Clinton, President of American Association of Christian Counselors;
Kelvin Cobaris, Bishop of Impact Orlando;
Jentezen Franklin, Senior Pastor of Free Chapel;
Harry Jackson, Senior Pastor of Hope Christian Church;
Robert Jeffress, Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church of Dallas;
Todd Lamphere, Staff Pastor of New Destiny Christian Church;
Johnnie Moore, Founder of The KAIROS Company;
Tom Mullins, Senior Pastor of Christ Fellowship;
Frank Page, CEO of the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention;
Ralph Reed, Founder of Faith and Freedom Coalition;
Jay Strack, President of Student Leadership University;
Paula White, Senior Pastor of New Destiny Christian Church;
Pasqual Urrabazo, Senior Pastor of International Church of Las Vegas;
Ramiro Pena, Senior Pastor and President of Ramiro Pena Ministries;
Mario Bramnick, President of Latino Coalition for Israel.
And positioned behind the cameras and pool reporters:
White House Staff Secretary Rob Porter;
Jared Kushner; 
Dan Scavino (recording the event with a smart phone);
Sarah Sanders;
Lindsay Walters;
Keith Schiller;
and Chief of Staff General John Kelly. Kelly apparently was last to arrive, tucking in his shirt as he entered the Oval, immediately before the signing. He was also the first to leave.

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