Monday, October 30, 2017

What Fresh Hell? for October 30, 2017: How did the Papadapoulos story so completely not leak? And a big FU to Frank Underwood's Kevin Spacey.

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In a big wet kiss to Breitbart Nazis and Christianists, actor Kevin Spacey autographed all their copies of “See?!? They do so recruit kids!” Then he admitted one of the worst-kept secrets on the planet about himself.

NewsThump, the satire site, summed up,

“He responded by basically saying ‘sorry’ in one paragraph, followed by another saying ‘while I’ve got you, I’m coming out’, which I don’t think has happened before, and with good reason,” said journalist, Simon Williams.

“These are probably the two most mismatched paragraphs in the history of the English language – unless you count all of the paragraphs in Fifty Shades of Grey.”


Was the *resident’s Access Hollywood tape a bomb with a long fuse just now going off? History gets handed that question, but Governing says the next wave of Weinstein Moments will come out of state legislators.

Which makes the anticipation for news out of North Carolina’s two veto-proof General Assembly Houses all the more palpable.

Some argue, contra,  that after GOP Governor Pat McCrory’s Ethics Commission (since merged by the party with the state elections board in a nifty set a thief to catch a thief- nahhhh) move ruled that lawmakers can have sexual relationships with lobbyists because nothing of value is exchanged, there’s nothing to see on Jones Street, move along, folks.


Speaking of nothing to see, Paul Manafort turned himself in this morning:

By midmorning, another shoe:

A former foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign, George Papadopoulos, secretly pleaded guilty as part of Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, Bloomberg News' Tom Schoenberg reports.

Papadopoulos had suggested that Donald Trump meet with top Russian leaders during the campaign. He pleaded guilty to making false statements during an interview with the Federal Bureau of Investigation.



Queen Elizabeth II clears a handy profit on her stable of thoroughbreds, CNN says.


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