“The reason our stock market is so successful is because of me,” he said. I’ve always been great with money, I’ve always been great with jobs, that’s what I do. And I’ve done it well, I’ve done it really well, much better than people understand and they understand I’ve done well.
He’s probably not willing to take credit for another result of his financial wizardry, though:
Las Vegas gunman Stephen Paddock was quite the fan of President Donald Trump before he killed 58 people and left another 500 injured—the worst mass shooting in recent U.S. history.
Paddock, a millionaire who reportedly would gamble up to $1 million a night in casinos, was attracted to the president's politics because of the boost the stock market has enjoyed since Trump took office, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo told KLAS, a local CBS affiliate in Las Vegas, during a two-hour interview.
Paddock said "he was happy with Trump because the stock market was doing well," Lombardo said.
Paddock, a millionaire who reportedly would gamble up to $1 million a night in casinos, was attracted to the president's politics because of the boost the stock market has enjoyed since Trump took office, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo told KLAS, a local CBS affiliate in Las Vegas, during a two-hour interview.
Paddock said "he was happy with Trump because the stock market was doing well," Lombardo said.
Neither will NRA boss Wayne LaPierre, who will celebrate his 68th birthday 11/8: something he has denied hundreds of thousands of other Americans:
While Democrats and their surrogates use the October 1 Vegas attack as an opportunity to point fingers at the NRA and its membership, the NRA-ILA’s Chris Cox is making clear that NRA members will not take blame for the actions of the Las Vegas “madman.”
Like other Palm Beach County employers who staff their clubs with foreign workers, President Donald Trump is boosting the number of employees he’s bringing from overseas this winter.
Trump won permission to hire 70 maids, cooks and servers at the Mar-a-Lago Club for the 2017-18 tourist season, according to newly released data from the U.S. Labor Department. In 2016-17, Trump hired 64 foreign workers at the Palm Beach property.
Trump won permission to hire 70 maids, cooks and servers at the Mar-a-Lago Club for the 2017-18 tourist season, according to newly released data from the U.S. Labor Department. In 2016-17, Trump hired 64 foreign workers at the Palm Beach property.
For a man whining that black pro football players are killing his brand, Papa John sure is running a lot of TV ads on every other show.
If the POTUS golf garb sported by the preppie Charlottesville Nazis was a little too un-Bannon, GOP establishment for you, a German designer has rags for the Nazi with an edge.
While [NYT columnist Charles] Blow offers a thoughtful assessment of Trump’s white supremacism, the fact that the piece’s central question—a query vaguely akin to “Should I Accept Anthony Weiner’s Friend Request on Snapchat?”—needed to be asked in the first place indicates that we’ve officially descended into some surreal, fake-news hellscape where every red-blooded American can choose between facts and alternate facts, attend a lecture by Harvard Fellow Sean Spicer, and wait for the next Official Donald J. Trump Big League Box of the Month to arrive via a privatized U.S. Postal Service
Billionaire bigot Robert Mercer announced he was dropping his support for Milo Yiannopoulos, the bottle-blonde jackass Breitbart fired for an old tape in which he took a keenly nuanced interest in sex with boys. Mercer dropped $12m on Milo, but when his emails fluffing American Nazis embarrassed Mercer, he decided to get shed of the lot.
I don’t deal in that sort of trash, he piously declared. And he found a ready bidder for Breitbart: his daughters.
Milo was out of work a few minutes before Tucker Carlson’s The Daily Caller snapped him up and immediately published a column where Milo extolled Kevin Spacey.
The DC fired Milo the next day. Carlson’s longtime homophobia ran smack into his WASP-y decorum, so he blamed the managing editor, then fired him, too.
As news broke over the weekend that a new EPA advisor says American air is now too clean for optimal health, MOTUS is sending a bunch of coal executives to a climate change conference with a PowerPoint and a Clean Coal Recipes book:
According to reports, members of the Trump administration will lend their support to an event to promote fossil fuels and nuclear power as solutions to climate change.
Speakers from coal giant Peabody Energy, among others, will make a presentation to highlight the role that coal and other fuels can play in curbing the impacts of rising temperatures.
A White House spokesman said in a statement that the discussion aimed to build on the administration's efforts to promote fossil fuels at the G20 meeting this year.
"It is undeniable that fossil fuels will be used for the foreseeable future, and it is in everyone's interest that they be efficient and clean," the spokesman said.
Residents of Asheville, NC- split between two congressional districts to get more Republicans in DC- ran a marathon along the line between the two districts at the weekend. When the 26 mile race was over, they were only five blocks from the starting line.
An 81-year-old German yarded the police out to his kitchen garden to defuse a very large eggplant the man thought was an unexploded World War II bomb.
The cops skinned and salted it, then told him to bake it for three hours and never call them again.
Everyone knows how Donald the Doting Dad wants to leave an extra $500m to Don Jr and Ivanka and assisted living trusts for the rest of the heirs by killing the death tax.
As a bookend, he wants people not even born to be heirs. It’s the ultimate Opportunity Society!
A provision in the 429-page Republican tax bill that would let unborn children hold college savings accounts has spilled into the abortion debate, where both sides see it as a step to redefining children in the womb as full persons under the law.
Defining unborn children as persons has been a key goal of anti-abortion advocates, who see it as the first step to unwinding court decisions that legalize abortion.
The bill released by House Republicans Thursday would allow a “child in utero” at “any stage of development” to be designated as the beneficiary of college savings accounts, known as 529 accounts. Currently, beneficiaries must have a social security number, but parents can work around this by setting up a savings account for themselves and then designating their child the beneficiary after birth.
Defining unborn children as persons has been a key goal of anti-abortion advocates, who see it as the first step to unwinding court decisions that legalize abortion.
The bill released by House Republicans Thursday would allow a “child in utero” at “any stage of development” to be designated as the beneficiary of college savings accounts, known as 529 accounts. Currently, beneficiaries must have a social security number, but parents can work around this by setting up a savings account for themselves and then designating their child the beneficiary after birth.
Tax-free accruals, of course, even as he castrates the retirement plans of the living.
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