Sunday, December 31, 2017

The year in defining deviancy down

Matt Latimer, 5 Things That Are Better Now Because of Trump, Politico, 12/31/17:

3. Alabama

Their governor remains a dope who argued that women accusing a Senate candidate of assault were credible, but they should shut up anyway because abortion. Their state Republican Party is so appalling that it held an “emergency meeting” to reaffirm support for a Senate candidate who was—twice—bounced off the state Supreme Court for failing to follow federal law. A grown woman married to said nincompoop and who almost followed him to the halls of Congress actually thought she was woke because she has a Jewish lawyer.

Still, say this for the voters of a state that once gave the world segregationist George Wallace: There are 1.5 percent more of them who prefer to put a Democrat into office than a credibly accused child molester. This, too, is solely because of Trump. Watching the farcical Senate race, in which Trump played a central role despite his efforts to rewrite it, you could almost see the Final Jeopardy question of the future being written: “This sitting president once endorsed an accused pedophile for high office.” That Trump did so, against all sane advice, sparked a national outcry and so outraged enough Alabamans that a teensy weensy, itty bitty, bare majority of them did the right thing and voted against sending that clown to the Washington circus. As a result, Alabamans got a chance, as Charles Barkley memorably put it, “to stop looking like idiots.”

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