Wednesday, April 23, 2008

HRC stays in the closet when it comes to acknowledging gay support

We've written here before- and tried to explain- the heavy support of gay and lesbian voters for Senator Clinton (s0 far there's no exit poll data out for Pennsylvania gay voters, which will be interesting when it's available because Philly has a substantial gay vote). While it's mostly anecdotal, it seems to be based on recollection of the Clinton presidency, when saying anything favorable about gays was a scandal.

Given the big push The Clintons made for the gay vote in Pennsylvania, it was interesting to listen to Senator Clinton's laundry listing of Democratic Party constituencies in her victory speech last night and find any mention of gays. Once you've set yourself up as a shot and a beer gun toter from Scranton, it probably makes more sense to keep sending Chelsea to do the gay bar crawls.

By contrast, Senator Obama, offering his own laundry list of constituencies he wants to bring together in America in his speech from Indiana, included "gay and straight" as he always does.

Little things count when little things is all a party offers you.

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