Sunday, August 10, 2008

Fogle admits: he doesn't get it.

Columbia South Carolina has unveiled a new tourism campaign:

Columbia is “Famously Hot.”

That’s the message in a new, national advertising campaign targeted at meeting planners and tourists that will debut this week.

The campaign also pegs Columbia and the Midlands as “The New Southern Hot Spot.”

The State's story doesn't however, indicate whether the campaign has been vetted by Mr. South Carolina Tourism, Adam Fogle, who fears the wrong sort of tourists just pull police off the streets from their proper duties protecting him, cringing in his Columbia digs, from gay tourists and illegal immigrants:

Plus, y’all are all too eager to spend taxpayer money to lure gay tourists who will in turn spend more money so we can spend that on gay festivals to lure more gay tourists who spend more money to use for more gay festivals, ad nauseam. And most of those folks aren’t just from out of state, they’re from out of the country. So why the uproar when an independently wealthy person spends his out of state money — not taxpayer money — here to help rebuild our failing education system?

You’re fine with out of state money from gays, but not from a good Samaritan looking to bring about positive change for EVERYONE? I don’t get it.

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