Saturday, September 13, 2008

My flag is bigger, and its colors brighter

Kitsch Patriotism Week in the SC Blogland, with the right up on its hind legs to claim it is more patriotic about 9/11 than the bloggers the define as lefty.

Wesley Donehue, who is relatively important in Anaconda's world, launched a news aggregator blog this past week. Basically, his personal blog was a trial run for it. It'll be interesting to see how the Mother Blog evolves. When you scroll right to the third column, though, a big black thing screens the copy to no apparent purpose. Otherwise, sharp fella, that Wes. Definitely deserved a higher ranking than Scoop Doggy, whose vaunted Tip Line has dried up, leaving him to claim a scoop as something he copied from The State.

And speaking of South Carolina Is So Gay, Waldo continues serving as McLovin's pro bono copy editor, correcting a variety of grotesque manglings of the Mother Tongue. P. Doggy promptly corrects his copy like a good laddie, then slags Waldo in gratitude. We will continue to patrol I'm not gay, sister's linguistic meanderings, though. It's just our native public spiritedness at work.

Anthony Palmer's short-form blog, The 9th Frame, gets better by the week. Don't be fooled, it only sounds like a Richard Widmark gangster movie. Anaconda's been gloating as he proves Gresham's Law by overwhelming his server almost daily. Of course, all the Bazoomba Hunters- who must be 99.9 percent of his readership- stay only long enough to realize they've been had, and the occasional, serious public policy post becomes increasingly trivial in comparison. If Willie didn't have his penis and gay people to write about he'd be little more than a stringer for Scoop Doggy.

The Garnet Spy doesn't claim to have a huge penis- so far- but otherwise is just another Republican blog trying to craft a resume for Sarah Palin out of moose entrails. Dr. E's Blog underscores the peculiar, "do what I say, not what I do" morality of the GOP. Just as Ronald Reagan was the divorced, estranged from his family, family values president, the Uncle Grumpy/Our Lady of Wasilla Ticket is the team that sees religion as a buffet line at The Western Sizzler, wandering from church to church the way Our Lady did colleges. Conservative Outpost comments, "Well, it's a full week after the Republican Convention. Enough time to make some rational conclussions.."

Honestly, people- Spell Check is to blogging what the turn signal is to driving.

Cabbage continues its self-designed death-spiral to election day. But they did come up with one interesting item this week. Congressman Gresham Barrett effuses about Our Lady of Wasilla:
With all the hype--with all the talk--with all the criticism of Gov Palin--she rose to the occasion and made her presence know at convention last week. Not only has she excited the base by being a true conservative, she proved to the nation that she has all the qualifications to be VP of the United States. What I truly loved--was that here was a small town girl just like us--not a part of the establishment--and she came on to the national front, not to appease the "in crowd", but to make a difference for US!!! Talking w/ people there, the excitement was measurable and the feeling of--we can win--has never been stronger!! I think the Gov brings something that has been missing to the ticket... something that I just can't put my finger on, but something that is real and people love. I know in leadership today, we have a lot of "cookie cutter" folks that seem to be just going through the motions--but w/ Sarah Palin--there is a spark and connection that has been missing at the top. I couldn't have been more proud of her last week--and more hopeful for the country.
By the Barrett Test we can just pull people up off the street to run the nation. Unless they're Hispanic. Or black. Or gay. Pregnant and unmarried seems OK, though.

Mande Wilkes, one of the Votaries of Will's Anaconda, spends her days pureeing The Works of Samuel Johnson with People magazine. On her personal blog, she's both infrequent and incoherent.

Greenville County Commissioner Tony Trout, who sued two other commissioners for offending his sense of lame-duckness, has folded like a cheap suit. He congratulates himself on being big enough to forgive.

Less inclined to forgive, it seems, anyone, is Sunlit Uplands, whose contributors argue, among other things voting for John McCain because he may die and then Our Lady of Wasilla will be president- without, of course, having to have run for the job or answer any questions. Of Uncle Grumpy's opponents, a pithy characterization:

As the partisans of buggery, abortion and Marxism see their once bright chance for the Presidency slipping away, they have become frantic and unable to contain their hatred. The most obvious target for their bile is the national figure who stands in starkest contrast to their culture of death, Governor Sarah Palin.
Waldo's a science buff- this week was the debut of the Large Hadron Collider. So is the Liberal Vet, who posted a section from a book about what it would be like to fall into a black hole.

A Lie A Day hardly knows where to begin.

Southern Progression doesn't think much of Our Lady, nor does Sacraments Wholesale. Voting Under the Influence makes Waldo's cv's-are-no-indicator-of-success argument to backstop Mrs. P. Crack the Bell wonders if an Obama loss will tune a whole generation of voters out of participation in politics.

SCHotline says smoking bans are bad for bidness. Then he adds a comment suggesting Anaconda's got his work cut out for him:

Side note: I want to personally thank Will Folks for helping put my thoughts in order and communicate the main idea. His work on our most senior politico commentary, and opines is well established yet unacknowledged to the degree deserved.

This was 9/11 Week, and in the SC Blogosphere it's a litmus test for whether one is A Patriot or A Liberal Hater (parse that carefully, as Patriots tend, in their own, creative ways, to be Liberal Haters, too). Thus SCHotline, whose motto should be "All The News That Fits Your Point of View."

Harare Grocery and its branch office, Columbia Conservative, itemizes things to do on 9/11 that make you patriotic:

Adam Fogle, whose Palmetto Scoop included the patriot poetry of a dying Jack Buck;

Earl Capps, who posts Lincoln's Gettysburg Address;

Dan Cassidy, whose Sunlit Uplands posted numerous items, including this patriotic YouTube;

Brian McCarty, whose VUI posted a composite picture of the victims;

Mike's America, who posts pictures and video from the day;

Jeff Duncan, whose Walk-On Legislator posts thoughts from an airport this morning;

Rod Shealy, Sr, recovering from brain tumor surgery, takes a moment to remember 9/11;

Michelle Malkin remembers, while Hugh Hewitt Prays;

The Jawas remember, and do not forgive;

Don McLaughlin remembers where he was at on 9-11 on Redstate;
The Walk-On Legislator was nervous traveling by air. Sunlit Uplands carries a mawkish testimonial by a woman who decided all those deaths and carnage were part of God's Plan.
Liberal Vet says, "9/11 changed the course of more than a few lives. Heck, if it weren't for those Saudi Arabian terrorists, I would have never been able to say, 'I've been to Iraq.'" Mike's America says Joe Stalin was a community organizer, too. Anaconda reprinted the words to "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God." And they all felt so much better.

1 comment:

  1. Hey - what do you mean by "When you scroll right to the third column, though, a big black thing screens the copy to no apparent purpose?"

    Are you seeing something funny that I'm not seeing? If so, what browser are you using?


