Saturday, October 11, 2008

"Next station, planet Pat Buchanan, last stop in reality"

Just how Looney Tunes are things getting in the election end Times?

Sunlit Uplands, the gated community of ideas, can run a sentence like this with a straight face:

Bob Conley, who is "charging hard and closing in" on victory in his U.S. Senate race, will be debating John McCain's "personal valet and bag boy" on Saturday at 8 P.M. on C-Span. Bob Conley offers South Carolina the opportunity to have two representatives in the United States Senate, rather than subsidizing the third Senator from Massachusetts.


  1. Perhaps you are unaware, Waldo, that Bob Conley has gained 20 points on Graham since July, and that the latest Rasmussen Poll shows him only nine points down. Graham knows who has the momentum in this race and would never have agreed to the debate were he feeling secure.

  2. The Looney Tunes aspect of Sunlit Uplands'comment isn't that Conley is up, down or sideways. It's that Senator Graham could pass for a third senator from Massachusetts in any light.

  3. I will be watching Bob Conley hand GrahamNESTY his butt!

  4. Waldo always gives Anonymous posters the Profiles in Courage trophy.
