Thursday, February 19, 2009

More on the evolving Old Confederacy and Buffalo Commons Consensus

Lots afoot in the blogdom today. Moral of the day: ideological blog aggregators are largely echo chambers where you get- and keep- a platform only as long as you make Lord Copper happy.

Latest example? SC Hotline, the conservative aggregator, drops two Big Swinging Bloggers of the right, The Blogland of Earl Capps and FITSNews. Capps is a conservative with working cells above the lower brain stem, which- in a state where the governor and Senator DeMint have proclaimed ideology to be policy- must make him suspect.

Aside from the eternal verities of SC straight maleness- football, women with big tits, and homophobia, FITSNews is ideologically incoherent but dressed in a conservative word salad. Plus Anaconda talks about penises all the time, which must make Sewell's socon readers nervous and wondering if there some latent mo'ness goin' on.

Speaking of consistently saying "Hell, no! to the 'mo," The Palmetto Scoop is much in the news, though, as usual, to little discernable end considering he's a wholly owned subsidiary of a Republican consulting firm. Inexplicably, Scoop Doggy is still in SC Hotline's good graces considering his ideological apostasies. He's been against and for corporate bailouts; and he's all for special, government-enforced, rights for himself (advanced by Democrats) He's all free-market-y but keeps a window for readers to donate to his for-profit venture; he hates anonymous bloggers but counts one among his editorial staff.

Of current events, Micah Snead has administered the Yao Ming of fisking colonoscopies to Scoopy over the Dogg's "we make our own realities" explanation of the economic recovery legislation (at Indigo Journal, btw. Credit where it's due).

For his part, Scoopy's bragging that if he sold The Scoop it'd be worth just under 14,000 simoleons. So sell it already. Your boss needs the cash.

Harare Grocery is in shell-game mode, offering up creepy, undated video of a 12-year old, unidentified, girl hectoring a camera about abortion while pretending to address a student convocation. Among other things, the wee lassie attacks the mothers of "children" aborted- 115,000 a day- 41,975,000 mothers a year, or, apparently, all the women in America over a four year period- suggesting that the whole bidness about sex and marriage between a man and a woman being the best for children is, well a crock.

Oh, and she doesn't say squat about the SC legislation on abortion the all-male Grocery staff hawks.

Somewhere, Britol Palin is laughing.


  1. You might not believe it, but SC Hotline has a link to this running in their ticker.

    It's one thing for bystanders to gawk at a train wreck, but now SC Hotline's conductor is right among them.

  2. I'm big swinging? Have you tried to confirm that using a microscope?
