Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Saturday Night Bigot Report

GPat is fetishizing Ronald Reagan's garage.

The shelves are well and truly empty in "the marketplace of conservative ideas."

The Conservativist, bereft of ideas since Beltram disappeared from the screen, resorts to the old Republican standby: gay-bashing. Gary Coats says, "Fortunately for me and my family, we will be somewhere on vacation that day." Trouble is, Coatsie, "queers" are all around you and your family. Every day. Everywhere. We don't give two slaps about you and your brood of bigots in training. But we're there. Try and find Waldo in the parade.

And we'll be here when you and the family get back. Minding our own bidness, but still here. Wishing, in fact, nitwits like you'd get a clue: the harder you push, the more pushback you get.

Dogwood Dell: Easter's over.

A sexy, conservative Congresslady from Minnesota busted the hell out of one of our least-favorite leftists - a guy whose subservience to the D.C. establishment (and other self-serving desires) helped plunged this country into financial ruin.

No really. It’s true.

Of course, our new girlfriend’s crusade didn’t stop Secretary General Barack Obama’s Politburo from unloading the taxpayer dump truck on a bunch of vote defrauders, but the PR battle in this case was won handily by the good guys … err, girl.

The back-and-forth took place between Gentlelady Michele “Boom-boom” Bachmann (R-Land of 10,000 Lakes) and none other than Barney Frank, who unlike the rest of the country actually enjoyed it when a government-owned housing behemoth stuck it up his a**.

Yeah, we said it.

This time, the status quo entity receiving Frank’s well-lubricated support was ACORN, the “antipovery” organization that was busted (again) for voter registration fraud in Nevada earlier this week.


  1. Hey Waldo or whoever you are, I have no problem with queers. I'm just glad we won't be around for the party, that's all.

  2. by the way, thanks for the link.
