Tuesday, July 7, 2009

We come not to bury [fill in the blank] but to praise [him/her]

NYT's Stanley Fisk tsk tsks the media over its treatment of America's wayward governors.

The commentators thought they were covering the latest chapter in the male-politician-who-can’t-keep-his-pants-zipped saga. What they were really covering (although they just couldn’t see it) was the latest chapter in the “all for love” saga, with earlier chapters featuring Antony and Cleopatra, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor and Anna Karenina and Count Vronsky. (O.K., so his stage is not as large as theirs, but it displays the same drama.) Sanford’s actions were without doubt foolish, reprehensible and incredibly maladroit, but they were also real.
So what’s the bottom line story? Simple. Sanford is in love. Palin is in pain. Sometimes what it seems to be is what it is.

We beg to differ. When you climb to the top of the greasy pole, even in part, by flouting rights you flaunt in public, or profess your dedication to constituencies you then turn on a dime to abandon when it stopped being easy and fun....well, you invite comment, at least.

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