Sunday, August 9, 2009

In which Mr Donehue posts a question he won't answer.

So the other day we challenged- as a purely rhetorical exercise- the Big Swinging Blogs of the SC right to lay out just what rights they think gay Americans ought to have, short of marriage.

Waldo argued, in part:

Earl Capps (who's capable of remarkably subtle analysis in nonpolitical settings) and Wesley Donehue ( who is equally so but on a shorter leash to his paymasters)just stick cheese in their ears, close their eyes and shout "la la la la" until the subject changes, while hewing to the SC GOP's ingrained homophobia without complaint.

So what happens? Well, nobody has answered the question, but we give Wesley Donehue the week's Balls So Big He Must Trip Over Them Award for posting the entry on Political Net News and still not answering the question.

But, then, he can't can he? He's working for Senator Jim DeMint, whose view on the gay tribe are just this side of The Final Solution.

1 comment:

  1. Ahem:

    "Waldo also challenged me to answer the question, "What rights should homosexuals have?" That is easy--life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (property.)

    Pay attention. there might be a pop quiz later.
