DeMint and Rubio, meanwhile, are friendlier than ever. Both scored big with appearances at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). They have launched a joint fundraising Web site, suggesting $20 donations toward a $100,000 goal.
On Monday, they made three South Carolina stops on their "The Comeback Begins" tour, starting the day in Charleston and ending it in Greenville. I caught up with the two like-minded politicians at the second stop, a barbecue lunch in Columbia. I didn't get a chance to speak with Rubio or hear either speak at the event, which was closed to the press. About 100 people attended, according to DeMint's campaign spokesman, Ian Headley. (It cost from $35 for one attendee up to the $2,400 host level, which included lunch, a place in the photo line, and recognition.)
Among their camp followers is a woman who believes barring medical malpractice suits will insure health care for 31 million uninsured Americans:
"Everybody in health care knows our health care system needs work," said Hilda Barnwell, 62, a Columbia respiratory therapist. "Health issues can devastate a family." But she favors tort reform as a solution.
And DeMint's threatening to bolt again:
Of Republicans who are "stiff-arming" the Tea Party movement, "I just think they're out of touch." If the GOP doesn't respond, he said, "You'll see a third party."
A third party? Oh, please, I'll donate money to help you get it started. If every racist rube left the Republican Party all you would have are the billionaires and Wall Street bankers to vote for the GOP.