Sunday, June 6, 2010

-and a little dog,too

A Pub Politics primary broadcast is underway. Vignettes:

Wesley Donehue says he's in the "Grandchildren of Lee Atwater" generation of GOP consultants.

Never have a broadcast outdoors unless you can shield the mike from the wind.

One of the speakers says Republican consultants in some legislative districts are inventing Tea Party groups to endorse their candidates.

The panelists think the Treasurer's race is the meanest so far. They all got some yucks about whether GOP challenger Curtis Loftis has herpes.

Nobody knows what will happen in the lieutenant governor's race.

Donehue: "For some reason, people just don't trust Republicans with education."

AG race: another runoff, but nobody knows who'll be in it.

When in doubt, cite a Politico story.

The panelists are struggling to remember who's running  in the congressional races. Somebody says, "We should print out of list of these people."

Donehue: "Senator David Thomas is a great, great friend of mine." Mr D says he does Congressman Joe Wilson's web work but not the media buys.

Panelists agree Joe Wilson opponent Rob Miller is wise to be quiet and keep raising money. Donehue- see personal paycheck issue above- says Miller missed out going silent on health care.

Sheheen to win D gov nom outright? Rex has run a crappy campaign and has raised zippo cash.

Governor's race- Haley in a runoff. Who's in it with her? Any of the three dwarves could make it. Donehue wonders if Will Folks will "drop a bomb" tomorrow. Skepticism over whether something that late can make a diff. Regret that "a blogger can control who the governor will be."

The show was paid for by the SC Association of Realtors.

1 comment:

  1. If those morons had an ounce of credibility (which I doubt they did), they blew it with their refusal to release the Knotts video. The show may be "paid for" by the SC Association of Realtors, but it was written, directed, and produced by the network of political power that has run South Carolina into the ground at the SC Republican and Democratic parties.
