Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Mack Daddy DeMint on his Nevada Babe: Homophobia trumps bailing on Reagan any day

Nevada GOP Senate candidate Sharron Angle, who lauds Ronaldus Magnus all the damn time, registered as a Democrat during his time in office. Then she found her true home in the American Independent Party, which argued for making gay-bashing legal and argued HIV passes through the water supply (so much for her anti-fluoride campaign), before realizing the only way to peddle her crotchets and whimsies into law was to be a Republican in a Republican state, is, we are assured by none other than SC Senator Jim DeMint, a true conservative:

Nevada Senate nominee Sharron Angle, a Tea Party favorite who describes herself as a conservative's conservative, left the Republican Party at the height of the Reagan revolution and became a Democrat for at least several years, government records show.
Documents on file with the Humboldt County, Nev., clerk's office show Angle was a registered Republican until June 1984, when she changed her party registration. According to the records, she remained a Democrat at least until March 1988, when she moved from Winnemucca to Tonopah, another rural community in Nye County.
Angle has given no hint of her Democratic past on the campaign trail. She invoked President Ronald Reagan's name on the night she captured the GOP nomination to challenge Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and been a relentless critic of the Obama administration.

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