Take Down The Flag has transcribed GOP frontrunner for governor Nikki Haley's gyrations between reality and the world of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. A sample:
SCV#1: What’s your belief about the reason the Civil War was fought?
Haley: I mean again I think that as we look in government, as we watch government, you have different sides, and I think that you see passions on different sides, and I don’t think anyone does anything out of hate. I think what they do is, they do things out of tradition and out of beliefs of what they believe is right.
I think you have one side of the Civil War that was fighting for tradition, and I think you have another side of the Civil War that was fighting for change. You know, at the end of the day, what I think we need to remember is that you know, everyone is supposed to have their rights, everyone is supposed to be free, everyone is supposed to have the same freedoms as anyone else. So you know I think it was tradition versus change is the way I see it.
SCV#1: Tradition versus change on what?
Haley: On individual rights and liberty of people.
SCV#2: Actually, I just want to throw in something here. That probably is why the country is in the terrible condition it’s in today. The Constitution ceased to be enforced, and President Lincoln decided to invade the South. And until that time, secession was taught everywhere including Annapolis and West Point as being legal. Had the North not been using very high tariffs to raise money for themselves, at the expense of the agricultural economy of the South, there would have been no war. The war was not fought to end slavery. Lincoln said if I had to free one slave to keep the Union together I would fight; if I kept all the slaves in slavery I would fight; if I freed half the slaves and kept the others in slavery I would fight, only to preserve the Union.
He admitted the war was not against slavery.
Of course there would have been no slavery by the time you reached approximately 1890 and there were other agricultural developments that made slavery very, very unprofitable. It was simply a matter of the Union at that time, Mr. Lincoln’s minority government, trying to do away with the actual meaning of the Constitution that started the war.
Haley: Well I think that for me, you know what I continue to remember is that you know we also know that our creator endowed the rights of everyone having you know, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And so, when I look at it that way I look at that’s still what needs to be what guides everybody, so that we make sure that we keep those three things in check.
She is as articulate as her mentor Sara. She says that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are three things we have to keep in check.