So my best to everyone- that all your Thanksgivings went tolerably well, with few major family nukes going off. As it's a defacto four day weekend, the questions now will be how long can the leftovers last and how much football can be endured on TV.TCM retired the trophy for actually good programming by running a 1972 interview of Alfred Hitchcock by Dick Cavett. Hitchcock's been dead long enough to forget his tiny winks and smiles, playing the cherub ready to stick you with his pitchfork. And who would do an hour interview with one guest today?
The TV networks are dumping astonishing loads of crap, some old, some new. WaPo's Hank Steuver has a thorough thrashing of The Hallmark Channel's treacly Christmas offerings here. Hallmark seems to be a new way-station for careers in decline, en route to Branson, Trinity Broadcasting Network, and peddling reverse mortgages to credulous old people in the middle of the night (shame on you, Robert Wagner; conversely, we've known for decades that Pat Boone will shill anything).
The surprise of this season was how the merchants backed up their sales another few days. Before long we'll be having holiday ads over Labor Day. Halloween ads for Arbor Day.
The President busted his lip playing hoops.
If you put a reactionary art collection in a fancy new building in a reactionary nation, does it make you any less reactionary?
Not much news, so little comment here for a while. The usual bazoomba bloggers are peddling bazoombas to keep the numbers- ahem- up- and the haters are hating on the Southern Poverty Law Center for adding two to their list of serious, full-times haters.
Ain't no such thing, the groups yell and stomp. Some people's just not moral.
The Pope weighed in, apparently announcing that even if God made you gay you're not supposed to be gay.
It all gets very confusing, these holiday weekend news dumps like when the government closes banks on Fridays.
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