Friday, November 26, 2010

All that matters is a big international corporate name

Cotton Boll Conspiracy has picked up on a telling story of airline displeasure with Boeing's long-delayed 787 jet.

CBC adds, "Boeing is assembling 787s in the South Carolina Lowcountry, thanks in part to hundreds of millions of dollars in various state giveaways, including corporate income and sales tax credits, and property tax breaks."

Trouble is, while CBC's right about the corporate tax bribes the state threw at Boeing, the North Charleston plant is a backup construction facility. Boeing wanted a plant it could swing into high gear if its Washington State plants strike. But Boeing execs have said it could take years, maybe even decades, to build a South Carolina workforce comparable to what the company's built up in Puget Sound since 1916.

SC economic development and political leaders never quite seem to be able to tell the full truth about their once in a decade cheap land, cheap labor, no taxes bribes for big box factories. They insist Boeing is a "deal changer" for the state, even as BMW is claimed to be the same while no one ever talks about how much of the work force there are on contracts and subject to substantial turnover.

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