Tuesday, January 18, 2011

It's always sunny in Alabama

Jonathan Chait:
Alabama Governor-elect Robert Bentley has some unusually blunt words for non-Christians
  "There may be some people here today who do not have living within them the Holy Spirit," Bentley said. ''But if you have been adopted in God's family like I have, and like you have if you're a Christian and if you're saved, and the Holy Spirit lives within you just like the Holy Spirit lives within me, then you know what that makes? It makes you and me brothers. And it makes you and me brother and sister."
  Bentley added, ''Now I will have to say that, if we don't have the same daddy, we're not brothers and sisters. So anybody here today who has not accepted Jesus Christ as their savior, I'm telling you, you're not my brother and you're not my sister, and I want to be your brother."
  Asked later if he meant to be insulting to people of other faiths, Bentley replied, ''We're not trying to insult anybody."  
Which reminds me, it's been months since the last neoconservative column upbraiding American Jews for their inexplicable failure to vote Republican.
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1 comment:

  1. Bentley's job is to represent the people of the great state of Alabama, not just those he feels are worthy. He can proselytize on his own time, not when he's on the clock and being paid by the good people of Alabama
