Fresh from travels in The Holy Land, SC political consultant Wesley Donehue is focusing all his attention on the lessons that storied land can offer, to wit:
Rule #1: Invest in PeopleIn business, there are two guidelines – hire slowly, fire quickly. You want to take your time and make sure you find the best person suited to the job you are hiring for, but after that you need to make sure that the employee is going to do the job. Repeated lack of performance is an excellent reason to get rid of employees and the reason is simple. Mitt Romney had it right when he said that corporations are people. Your entire business is about people and your business is only as good as the people you hire.Rule #2: Eliminate the DramaLeave the drama to the soap operas and people who believe they are soap opera characters can be left behind as well. There is far too much drama in this world and it achieves absolutely nothing. It is important to surround yourself with people who want to be more. If you want to be more religious, you would surround yourself with good, religious people. If you aim to be more successful in your business or innovation, you have to surround yourself with people who live to change the world. This is why I spend quite a lot of time in San Francisco where the atmosphere is positive and focused on necessary change.
Waldo, typing furiously in his bath, wished Donehue had explained a couple of things, like why Mitt Romney didn't follow his own advice (he did, after all, declare he loved to fire people) after the remarkable collection of dopes he picked to run his campaign steered him, reeling, from one screw-up to another until it tanked election day.
Another interesting thing would be to hear Donehue explain how in San Francisco, the atmosphere is positive- just for example- in that gay people aren't the daily objects of scorn, fear and legislative discrimination, and how focusing on positive change there- in the city and the surrounding tech sectors- has focused on achieving employment, marriage and housing equality for every San Franciscan. Donehue makes his bread-- and Frisco mad money- from the campaigns of Republicans who oppose all that.
You know the old routine: "Do as I say, not as I do."