Monday, September 16, 2013

Up North Notes: Politics and Pulpits

NC Republicans are aflutter after the president of the State Baptist Convention (the state party at prayer) announced he'd be a GOP candidate for the US Senate in 2014.

Mark Harris, pastor of First Baptist Church of Charlotte, will officially toss his halo into the ring October 2.

Harris is the fourth candidate to seek a six year free ride to draw a paycheck and oppose everything. Other candidates include NC House Speaker Thom Tillis, who tried to corner the cynical vote in 2012 with a marriage equality ban even he admitted would be history in a few years.

Harris' entry into the race could heighten the odds of an intra-Teabagger squabble in the primary. Another hopeful, Cary medico Greg Brannon, plans to yard in demagogues like Rand Paul and Ted Cruz to keep the animal spirits animated on the Tinfoil Right.

Harris will, presumably, call on God, who is widely reputed in state GOP circles to be a Republican himself.

"I think our founding fathers intended we have leaders from all walks of life," Harris said. "That...certainly should include those that are pastors."

Meantime, Wilkesboro nurse Heather Grant is running as "an every day person."

If elected, Harris would be the second divine to sit in the nation's higher house.

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