Stick a fork in Brian Talbert: he's done.
The angry, middle-aged Albermarle, NC Republican launched a media campaign June 6 to proclaim his martyrdom at the hands of Charlotte Pride.
The LGBT nonprofit turned down his application- as Gays for Trump- for a 27-foot float featuring lots of flags, drag queens (including one as First Lady Melania Trump) and an unspecified but incredibly patriotic music playlist.
The result? After three days of declining media attention, a Google search shows not a single story today, and Breitbart News, which labeled Talbert "trending" two days ago, has dropped him entirely.
Worse yet, Talbert's Gofundme.com campaign for $100,000 to
Only $93,092 to go.
And still no word of when he will hold his Deplorable Pride Ball and Miss Deplorable Pride Pageant.
There are 50 days to go.
For why the whole business is a scam, read here.
For why he will lose his lawsuit, click here.
For why his Gays for Trump group has three members, just ask around.
Why does Talbert so badly want to be part of a movement he scorns? Ask the Log Cabin Republicans:
Conservative gay Americans, for their part, view the march as a partisan event emphasizing "division far more than equality," said Gregory T. Angelo, president of Log Cabin Republicans, a conservative LGBT group.
"For months now we've heard that Trump is going to 'roll back' advances made by the LGBT community, and time and again those rumors were proven to be unfounded," he told CNN. "All of this chicken-littling has turned the self-styled 'Resistance' into little more than a hollow cliche."
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