Saturday, June 2, 2018

Cuntagion on the Right: Can it Be Cuntained?

Samantha Bee, a leftish TV comicommentator, called Ivanka Trump a "feckless cunt" the other day and the President- who called Ivanka Trump "a nice piece of ass" is upset.

This has led to whirlwind rounds of whataboutism. The President's social media fluffers are up on their hind legs complaining of the crudity of the political left. On Facebook and Twitter, South Carolina's Accidental Governor, Henruh McMastuh, mumbled,
I joined Sean Hannity last night to talk about the hypocrisy of the Left. Here in South Carolina, we don't stand for this disrespect of our president and his family.
Long forgotten is the now-vanished Mrs Trump's BeBest campaign, unveiled not quite a month ago to combat incivility and bullying. Her husband would be mute if he did not have Twitter through which to bully Americans every day, all day long.

Mr Trump's supporters follow his lead, and spew their own, homegrown venom. The day when Southerners of a certain disposition can freely use the n-word again is surely a'comin'. He does nothing to discourage them.

So while there are well-meaning people calling for greater civility, and trying to calibrate Bee's use of "cunt" on some scale of punishment next to, say Roseanne Barr's recent racist tweet (the President defends her), it's kind of like arms-control negotiations. Both sides have to give, and the #MAGAHatters prefer screaming "lock her up!" at rallies where the President tells them lies.

"Cunt" is a word cherished by the American Right. Indeed, the rock and roller Ted Nugent gave a 1994 interview to a Denver newspaper in which he declared, of Hillary Clinton,
"You probably can't use the term `toxic cunt' in your magazine, but that's what she is. Her very existence insults the spirit of individualism in this country. This bitch is nothing but a two-bit whore for Fidel Castro."
Trump campaign rallies in 2016 featured a wide array of cuntgear:

 Image result for hillary is a cunt t shirt

 Image result for hillary is a cunt t shirt

Image result for hillary is a cunt t shirt

Image result for hillary is a cunt t shirt

Roseanne Barr, whose outburst the President has defended, is also on record:

This is where it gets confusing, as you may see. Samantha Bee called the President's daughter/advisor a cunt and the President said she could get fired. Roseanne Barr called Hillary Clinton one in 2016, but shouldn't be fired for being a racist (the President's views on the use of "pussy" are well known). And Ted Nugent got invited to dinner with the President and took a tour of the White House with the 2008 Republican nominee for vice president. And he called Hillary Clinton a cunt 24 years ago!

Image result for ted nugent white house tour

For his part, the President has called at least three women- including the former Acting Attorney General of the United States- a cunt himself.

Is the tie-breaker that it's OK if you call Mrs Clinton that? Explain.

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