Friday, August 6, 2010

Did DeMint fill out the "God Is Not Government PAC" questionnaire? What did he say about the adoption and corporate money questions?

At MSNBC, Keith Olbermann leads with the AP story that Nevada Senate candidate Sharron Angle got the endorsement of a religion-oriented PAC whose questionnaire she affirmatively answered that gay couples shouldn't be able to adopt (today other media reported she also answered another question affirmatively that she'd have no contributions from corporate PACs whose parent companies have equality policies for gay employees.

The story's an interesting summary of the status quo, though with some typical over-the-top flourishes, like when WaPo columnist Eugene Robinson, in a colloquy over whether Angle also favors taking adopted kids from gay families (she hasn't said; it hasn't been tried), called the prospect "Gestapo raids" and Olbermann responded that presumably Angleites wold call themselves "liberators."

All unnecessary and extraneous to the newsworthy point: the PAC that offered the questionnaire, God Is Not Government, uses the answers it gets to make endorsement decisions. And they've sent it, Olbermann reported, to California Senate candidate Carly Fiorina (whose office says she didn't fill it out), US House Minority Whip Eric Cantor, and Florida Senate candidate Marco Rubio.

I took a look at the PAC's website, and it's interesting to see the Senate candidates it has endorsed: J.D. Hayworth in Arizona; Fiorina; Jane Norton in Colorado; Rubio; Todd Tihart in Kansas; Roy Blunt in Missouri; Angle, and....Senator Jim DeMint.

DeMint's Senate Conservatives Fund has vigorously promoted Angle, Rubio and Norton's Colorado opponent.

Did DeMint answer the GingPac questionnaire? And how did he answer these questions? Seems like it's the kind of thing voters are entitled to know. One can kinda guess at answers, given that DeMint is robustly antigay (the idea of a gay rpesident makes him queasy) and he declared six years ago that neither gays nor unmarried pregnant woman should be allowed to teach school (before walking it back, saying his comments had been misconstrued from their complete clarity).

It's all kinda clubby. Here's the Olbermann clip, make of it what you will-

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