Friday, August 6, 2010

Seems more like a dead heat with the Democratic Party

The best example of this is the series The West Wing, where the most liberal administration in the history of the universe had nobody gay on its senior staff:

There was much rejoicing in Hollywood yesterday following the ruling of a federal judge in San Francisco that Proposition 8, which outlawed same-sex marriage in the state of California, is unconstitutional. “This just in: Equality won,” tweeted Ellen DeGeneres. Ricky Martin’s joy was unconfined: “YEAHHHHH!!!!! #PROP8UNCONSTITUTIONAL MOVING FORWARD!!!!!!!!”
It’s a pity Martin didn’t condemn Proposition 8 in 2008 when it was first brought forward by anti-gay campaigners. As a role model for many Latino men, Martin’s opposition might have dissuaded some of them from voting for it. But then he hadn’t come out as a gay man at that point. He didn’t take that step until March of this year and some mean-spirited commentators suggested it was only because he had a book to promote. Up until then the successful Puerto Rican singer and actor had never disclosed he was gay and even fathered two children.
At least Martin has finally stopped living a lie. Hollywood celebrities are notoriously liberal, losing no opportunity to endorse Left-wing causes or trumpet their support of Barack Obama. Yet the entire showbiz community conspires to protect the carefully cultivated straight identities of its gay members, terrified that if word gets out their fans will turn on them. Indeed, not a few Hollywood publicists have built their careers on the ability to keep the private lives of their gay clients out of the press. Any journalist attempting to publish the truth about one of these figures will immediately be threatened, bullied and, if he or she persists, cast in to the outer darkness, as Tom Junod discovered when he addressed the rumours concerning Kevin Spacey’s homosexuality in an Esquire cover story in 1997. According to Maer Roshan, a gay New York journalist, “Reporters bitterly denounced Junod for violating Spacey’s privacy, and the actor’s agent, Brian Gersh, vowed that none of his other clients would pose for Esquire again.”
Like many openly gay men, Roshan is sick to the back teeth of the show business elite’s hypocrisy on this issue and wrote a furious piece for New York magazine in 2001 denouncing various entertainment industry figures who tried to conceal their homosexuality, including Barry Diller, Nathan Lane, Rosie O’Donnell and Sean Hayes. “Back in the fifties – when exposing people as homosexual would subject them not only to ostracism but also to violence and even jail – the gay cover-up made sense,” he wrote. “But these are vastly different times.”
Roshan is surely right. Hollywood films are constantly championing heroic individuals who take a stand against prejudice and discrimination at great risk to themselves. Indeed, one such film, Milk, which won numerous awards including two Oscars, celebrated the political career of gay rights campaigner Harvey Milk who was assassinated in 1978. Yet virtually no major stars are willing to jeopardise their careers by publicly admitting they’re gay. Proposition 8 only passed by 52 per cent of the vote and if more celebrities had been out of the closet at the time there’s a strong chance it would have been defeated.
I’m fed up with being lectured by Hollywood luvvies about the the evils of discrimination. Until they put their own house in order, what right have they to criticise anyone else?

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