Sunday, February 20, 2011

Hate is always in season in SC

Process Story is agoin' witch hunting, this time for a Tweeter who annoys Republicans and therefore must be from the west coast and- get this- liberal- and therefore, gay. Worse yet, Process Story scorns him as at best a midlevel apparatchik in a Columbia law firm in its fevered imagination. It even supposes the writer moved to SC between 2003 and 2005. Nobody on that side of the aisle seems able, or willing, to engage anyone on the issues. It's either smear them, or out them, or both.

It's funny how the GOP consultant/blogger class, when annoyed, always wants to track down and out bloggers who annoy them. I got three years of it. And no, I'm not working for a Columbia law firm. But the clincher is when the establishment consultant boys are really, really, peeved, they make it out that the object of their detestation must be gay. It must be a mark of where the market is moving that Process Story feels the need to move over into the FITS News and Sunlit Uplands hate-land.

No real men can be anything but Republicans in SC. Just tell it to GOProud, the gay conservative group CPAC just booted out of next year's conference because you can't be gay and conservative. And if you're liberal and a blogger you have to be tracked down and outed.

QED among the consultant/blogger class.Republicans in this state always need an "Other" and since most of them can't use the "n" word any more, the gays are the next best target.

Either the campaign season is starting early or ambitious consultant/blogger is hurtin' for bidness to be rolling out the hate so early. You be spending a LOT of time in Sunday School- you just sold another chunk of your soul for a bag of silver coins.

It's a shame that nobody on the GOP side in this state can resist going the hate route. Especially when they do it for money.


  1. What's interesting is the amount of links bloggers like Donehue and Will Folks get. Palmetto Scoop was the same way before he disappeared into the ether.

    These guys are effectively destroying any chance for real debate to take place on substantive issues in this state, yet plenty of other bloggers are happy to include them on their blogrolls and give them additional platforms from which to launch their special interest-funded attacks.

    On the other hand, there are a variety of bloggers in S.C. who simply write on political topics simply to voice their ideas, with no financial renumeration from anyone, yet they're essentially ignored.

    To paraphrase an old line, we would seem to get the political debate we deserve.

  2. It's simple- you look at the right-wing blogdom in SC, and they are, to a man- and I use that term advisedly- either old Reagan/Bush hacks who held tiny low-lever sinecures but want to position themselves as "experts" of some sort (pace Boy Fogle internship in the Labor Department), or out and out consultants who just want to whore themselves out and never disclose who's paying their bills. Ideas mean nothing to these sluts.
