Sunday, February 20, 2011

SC House members vote to demand stupid on TV and radio. It's what zombie congressmen do.

New Teabaggist SC House members were just slobbering to cast a big no vote. So they voted to ax stuff like Amtrak, which makes no sense because last session they let you carry guns, which you can't do on airplanes, and to kill off public tv and radio. I guess Rudy Mancke's mumbled snake handling minutes, and Roland Alston's minstrelsy gardening tips and Walter Edgar's Friday pablum are just more than the likes of Tim Scott and Trey Goudy and Mick Mulvaney and Joe Wilson can bear.

As Forrest Gump often said, "Stupid is as stupid does."

Where's the replacement for CPB, Congressman Scott? Congressman Mulvaney? Congressman Goudy? How does the Metropolitan Opera or Says You or the Car Guys threaten the nation? Or Only A Game? Or Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me? Or letting people listen to classical music? Have you forgotten SC ETV sponsored Bill Buckley's Firing Line for decades?

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