Saturday, February 21, 2009

Marriage stabilizes society but if we give to THEM it'll destabilize society.

Pam's House Blend has a link to a story underlining how Tony Perkins, one of the heads of The No Party At Prayer, just makes up stuff when he runs out of rational reasons for opposing marriage equality.

The latest? It'll destabilize the economy.

New mind the economic studies showing, to date, that same-sex marriage would result in additional revenue to the states of Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, California, Iowa, Oregon, New Mexico, Maryland, Arizona, New Hampshire, Colorado, Washington and Alaska. Never mind the 2004 Congressional Budget Office report commissioned by Republican congressman Steve Chabot showing the same result at the federal level.

But when you consider the government is now fast-tracking illegal aliens to citizenship via military service while discharging native-born Americans for being gay...well, it just shows anew how people in power always need a shadowy enemy out there somewhere. Used to be Communists under your bed, now it's gays trying to crawl into it.

1 comment:

  1. There is no way that a contracepting-aborting-divorcing hetero culture can deny marriage to gays in the long run. Trying to let the sexual genie out of the bottle just for the straights is not workable.
