Saturday, February 21, 2009

A man and a woman times 23

Here's a challenge for our friends on the SC blogdom's right: how could a same-sex couple do any worse than this woman? And how has she preserved and defended the sanctity of marriage 23 different times?

The Sanctity Of Marriage, Part 98
You can't get married once, but any old hetero loon can get married 23 times.
Throughout her life, she has been Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Street and Mrs. Smith. She was also Mrs. Moyer, Mrs. Massie and Mrs. McMillan. But the former Mrs. Berisford, Mrs. Chandler and Mrs. Essex was born Linda Lou Taylor. She grew up in Alexandria, Ind., a place that lays claim to the largest ball of dried paint in the world. More than a decade ago, the 68-year-old found her own way to bring Indiana a Guinness world record: She got hitched for the 23rd time. Now known as Mrs. Linda Wolfe, she is the most married woman in history. Two of her husbands were gay. Two were homeless. A few stepped out on her, but she never did the dirty on them. One choked her and turned her lip inside out. Another secured the fridge with padlock and chain. "It's easy to sum up," she said of her life. "When I was younger I was just a snot-nosed kid, but the neighborhood boys were all in love with me. They all wanted to marry me." She has been single now for a dozen years. "I would get married again," she said, "because, you know, it gets lonely."
Two gay husbands out of 23. How boringly statistically average.


  1. Now come on, that woman knows more about the sanctity of marriage ... uhhh .... well, you can take it from me, twice divorced. Her and I are just such poster children for protecting marriage. We know what it's about.

    (are you laughing yet?)

  2. I suppose at some point the love between her and a spouse could have created a child, but otherwise, this shows what a shambles the 'straight community' has made of marriage.
