Sunday, June 21, 2009

What if Adam had been called "Ralph"?

Spartanburg, of all places, had a successful gay rights parade yesterday. The marchers marched; the protesters protested. Everyone, presumably, left happy. The Herald-Journal has a detailed account, including comments by a man from Fountain Inn who passed out biblical tracts while stride a horse called Leviticus.


Seeding Spartanburg attended, too, and wrote up an account that prompted us to wonder, why can't the opponents come up with better slogans? One we heard being discussed a lesbian acquaintance last week was much funnier- "Nothing could be finer, than to have a gay vagina."

Curious how little denunciation there has been from the usual suspects. (Harare Grocery is becoming the Terry Schiavo of the SC blogdom.)

The Conservativist, in a post that has since disappeared from his blog, declared in May, "Fortunately for me and my family, we will be somewhere on vacation that day," adding, in a comment, "Hey Waldo or whoever you are, I have no problem with queers. I'm just glad we won't be around for the party, that's all."

Spartanburg police say there were 400 in the paraqde but only 300 protesters.



  1. Waldo, the post is still there, see the comments on the right side of the screen.

  2. The poster says it's "a boi nation"?

    Poor layout. The guy can't even fill the whole space on the poster. Social conservatives obviously aren't as skilled at basic protest skills, such as signmaking, as those on the political left are.
