Friday, January 8, 2010

TPS: RNC chairs should be like heavy cream- rich, white and thick

Boy Fogle, who's drawn to SC Republicans who belong to all-white country clubs like a cat to catnip, is out there banging the drum for Massa Katon Dawson again. 

Dawson, the former SC GOP chair and runner-up to RNC chair Michael Steele, is Fogle's Great White Hope- literally. As he explains:

I think it would be “unfortunate” for Steele to be allowed to stay chairman for much longer. Mostly because I’m getting really sick of recapping the following:
Since taking over the RNC, Steele has gotten into a very public spat with conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh, agreed that President Barack Obama is “the magic negro” and told GQ magazine that women have a “right to choose abortion” — something he believed in so much that he left it in the RNC’s health insurance plan to cover elective abortions for staffers.
Steele also launched an awful RNC website in October and came under fire for saying that white Republicans are afraid of black people.
And he has also been using his title as RNC chair to demand thousands in speaking fees.
So the moral seems to be that a successful GOP leader 1) will brown-nose Casper Gutman in all things at all times; 2) deny the President is a magic Negro (while continuing to call him a fascist, marxist, communist, socialist, leftist, radical, thug, racist and/or illegal alien); 3) deny women who work for the party the right to an abortion (it is, after all, legal, but niceties be damned when it's a horny, single, white male calling the shots); 4) put up a better website (how many iterations has TPS gone through in the apparently abandoned course of transforming SC politics in favor of shilling for Jimmy Buffett?); 5) stare down some black people and dare them to be scary; and 6) be so rich you can forego speaking fees.

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